פסיכולוג קליני מומחה (מ.ר. 27-161560) המטפל בגישה אינטגרטיבית, ממוקדת ומותאמת-אישית. עובד עם מגוון התמודדויות חיים, כגון שאלות של זהות ומשמעות, זוגיות, דיכאון, חרדה, משבר, הגירה ועוד. בנוסף לכך, בעל ניסיון בעבודה עם תכנים של הזדקנות וזיקנה, אובדן ושכול, טיפול פליאטיבי וטיפול במטפלים העיקריים (caregivers) שאהוביהם מתמודדים עם מחלה קשה, כדוגמת דמנציה או ממאירות. הקליניקה ממוקמת ברחוב שקט במרכז הכרמל ומשקיפה לואדי הפונה אל הים.
בנוסף לעבודתי הטיפולית, אני עוסק בהוראה אקדמית ובמחקר בתפקידי כחבר סגל בכיר בתכנית לפסיכולוגיה קלינית של הבגרות והזיקנה במרכז האקדמי רופין, כמו גם במרכז הבין-לאומי לחקר אובדן, שכול וחוסן נפשי באוניברסיטת חיפה. פועלי המחקרי מתמקד בסוגיות של אובדן ושכול בכלל ואובדנים שאינם כתוצאה ממוות בפרט, לצד טראומה, הבניית משמעות והסתגלות לשינויי חיים.
Period of Study |
Name of Institution and Department |
Degree |
Year of Approval of Degree |
2017-2021 |
Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Israel
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (Direct Track) |
2021 |
2017-2020 |
Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Israel |
M.A. in Clinical Neuro-psychology (Cum laude) |
2020 |
2013-2017 |
Department of Education and Psychology, The Open University of Israel, Israel |
B.A. in Psychology (Summa cum laude) |
2017 |
Ph.D. Dissertation
Manevich, A. (2021). Attachment and the Two-Track Model of Loss and Bereavement among spouses of people suffering from cognitive impairment: The relation between disease progression to overall functioning and the interpersonal relationship with the patient in sickness and in death. Unpublished doctoral dissertation (Hebrew), 280 Pages, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. Supervised by Prof. Simon Shimshon Rubin and Dr. Michael Katz, Department of Psychology, University of Haifa; in collaboration with Prof. Judith Aharon-Peretz and Dr. Rachel Ben-Hayun, Cognitive Neurology Institute, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel
Articles in Refereed Journals
Manevich, A. (in press). Letter-writing to the deceased among family caregivers of individuals living with dementia: Exploring the role of technology-based interventions. Frontiers in Medicine.
Rubin, S. S., Manevich, A., & Yehene, E. (2024). Continuing Bonds in marriage, death and divorce: Conceptual and clinical considerations in the relationship to self and spouse. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying. doi:10.1177/00302228241226471 *Equal contribution.
Manevich, A., Yehene, E., & Rubin, S. S. (2023). A case for inclusion of disordered Non-Death Interpersonal Grief as an official diagnosis: Rationale, challenges and opportunities. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1300565*Equal contribution.
Manevich, A., Rubin, S. S., Katz, M., Ben-Hayun, R., & Aharon-Peretz, J. (2023). The Two-Track Model of Dementia Grief and spousal response to illness and death. Death Studies, 47(5), 592-599. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2022.2113479
Manevich, A., Rubin, S. S., Katz, M. Ben-Hayun, R., & Aharon-Peretz, J. (2023). Risk, resilience and the Two-Track Model of Dementia Grief among spouses of people living with cognitive decline. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 9, 1-12. doi:10.1177/23337214231171264
Manevich, A., Rubin, S. S., Katz, M. Ben-Hayun, R., & Aharon-Peretz, J. (2022). Spousal mourning for partners living with cognitive impairment: The interplay of Attachment and the Two-Track Model of Dementia Grief. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying. doi:10.1177/00302228221142632
Yehene, E., Manevich, A., & Rubin, S. S. (2021). Caregivers` grief in acquired Non-Death Interpersonal Loss (NoDIL): A process based model with implications for theory, research and intervention. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.676536 *Equal contribution.
Rubin, S. S., Manevich, A., & Doron, I. I. (2021). The Two-Track Model of Dementia Grief (TTM-DG): The theoretical and clinical significance of the continuing bond in sickness and in death. Death Studies, 45(10), 755-771. doi:10.1080/07481187.2019.1688014 *Equal contribution.
Chapters in Scientific Books:
Manevich, A. (2024). Disenfranchised widowhood: The journey of dementia caregivers. In S. Misciagna (Ed.). Topics in Neurocognition. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.114837
Additional Publications:
Manevich, A. (2023). Navigating through grief: The unheard story of dementia caregivers. Scientia, https://doi.org/10.33548/SCIENTIA928
Rubin, S. S., Bar-Nadav, O., Malkinson, R., Witztum, E., & Manevich, A. (2023). The Two-Track Bereavement Questionnaire 3 – CG11. Working paper of the International Laboratory for the Study of Loss, Bereavement and Human Resilience. Available online at: https://clbhr.haifa.ac.il/
Manevich, A., Rubin, S. S., Ben-Hayun, R., Aharon-Peretz, J., & Katz, M. (2021). Spousal dementia grief: A research report from the Two-Track Model of Dementia Grief project. OBM Geriatrics, 5(1), 1-21. doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.2101160. *Equal contribution.
Publications in Hebrew:
Manevich, A. (2024). Silent widowhood: Spousal relationship in the shadow of cognitive impairment, dementia, and death. Hebrew Psychology. https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=4743 (long version); Bulletin of EMDA Association. https://www.calameo.com/read/0063529195b533835d8ca (short version).
Malkinson, R., Witztum, E., Rubin, S. S., & Manevich, A. (2024). An integrative and time-limited intervention protocol for traumatic bereavement after the October 7 events: Using the Two-Track Model of Loss and Bereavement. Hebrew Psychology. https://www.hebpsy.net/articles.asp?id=4712. *Equal contribution.
Manevich, A., & Golbez-Manevich, N. (2023). Ripples of life at the Dead Sea: The story of Kibbutz Be’eri survivors. Psychoactuallya - Israel Psychological Association (short version); Hebrew Psychology. https://www.hebpsy.net/blog_Post.asp?id=6234 (long version). *Equal contribution.
Rubin, S., Bar-Nadav, O., & Manevich, A. (2019). The Two-Track Questionnaire for Complicated Grief (TTBQ-CG-31), in: Palgi, S. (Editor). Booklet of self-report questionnaires. Israel: Ministry of Health, Professional Committee for Clinical Psychology.
In Media:
Interview for "Haaretz" newspaper (2024). The transparent bereavement of grandparents after October 7th. https://www.haaretz.co.il/opinions/nurit/2024-09-09/ty-article-opinion/.premium/00000191-d6b6-d653-a993-d7ff6bcb0000
Interview on dementia caregiving (2024). “What’s happening tomorrow” Podcast, by Rami Shani (Galatz)
Work in Progress:
Manevich, A. (under review). Pre-death grief among family caregivers of individuals living with cognitive impairment and dementia: Theory, research, clinical assessment, and psychotherapy. Mortality.
Malkinson, R., Manevich, A., Rubin, S. S., & Witztum, E. (under review). Mass trauma, multiple losses, and the application of the Two-Track Model of Bereavement in the context of war: Assessment from a systemic-ecological perspective. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying. *Equal contribution.
Malkinson, R., Witztum, E., Rubin, S. S., & Manevich, A. (under review). An integrative transdiagnostic and transtheoretical short-term intervention plan for traumatic grief guided by the Two-Track Model of Bereavement (TTMB). Death Studies. *Equal contribution.